Saturday, January 13, 2007

What they say is true....

Whoever said that having a ferret, is like having a 2 year old child.. they were'nt kidding.. Meet Jax.. or as I like to call him Jax Vin Weasel.. My wife and I have decided we need to get a sign that says "Warning Attack Weasel".. When Jax is running loose in the house.. no cat is safe.. our cats are subject to a sneak attack at anytime.. His favorite move is to sneak under the coffee table and spring out and chase an unexpecting cat around the house! Poor cats.. His other favorite past time is to chase our daughter around the house.. and bite at her toes.. very very funny stuff to watch!!!


Anonymous said...

I think I'm close to getting one of those little suckers m'self... or not. :) He hasn't said one way or the other...yet. LOL

Anonymous said...

Hey, you need to set up your trackback feature!!

The Bare Nessecities said...

what the hell is that?? lol

Anonymous said...

Nuts...can't remember how to do it with Blogger. Somewhere in your dashboard.... LOL Backtracks maybe? Ask someone who still uses Blogger fer petes sake! :)

And how come my ephelant's hiney doesn't show up?

Unknown said...

I am not making any comments about my mothers elephant butt... ROFL

Anonymous said...

Shut it BRAT!