Saturday, February 10, 2007

If you need a laugh!

We have all been there.. Your sitting at your table, and the bill has arrived.. Your trying to rate your servers performance.. Was your order correct? Did they keep your drink glass full? Which is a big factor in my tip scale, might I add.. So you pay your bill.. tip included and you leave.. Well if your server is not happy with your tip, and they have internet access.. You just may end up on this site.. Thats right.. there is acutally a site for waitstaff to tell the world, just what a cheapskate you are! Now this wont stop me from tipping according to service.. but it was interesting to find out how just how cheap some of our favorite celebrities are.. Enjoy.. The wife and I sure did..


Anonymous said...

I'm going to teach you how to link urls!!!! :) Which, by the way, MIGHT be next week, or the week after. Lucky YOU! heh heh heh

The Bare Nessecities said...

Ha Ha Ha, give me a break, Im not the seasoned blog vet you are! lol

Anonymous said...

I learned how to do that in the first week! thplbbbbbbbbbbbbb heh heh heh