Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Your Kidding Right????

Apparently if your gay.. you have defect that can be fixed? Atleast thats what some scientists seem to think up in Oregon.. Im sorry this will probably ruffle some feathers.. but has society deemed it unacceptable to be gay? I brought this up with one of my team members tonight while bowling to get his opinion... I can tell you this much.. the conversation turned religious real quick.. Which is usually the case when the "gay discussion" comes up.. He told me one of the reasons he was against Gay Marriages is because when God set this world into motion.. he put man and woman on this earth to pro-create.. I then asked him "so has the gay community stopped men and women from pro-creating"?? He replied, "Well I guess not".. He later brought up another reason he was against gay marriage.. He said "it upsets me to see gay couples try to get married to gain the same straight marriage benefits.. I.E. Tax breaks, insurance, ect.. I replied.. You do realize that a gay couple can get medical benefits from the companies they work for, and Starbucks.. the company your son works for, offers benefits to "partners" right? He didnt reply.. The discussion ended when I asked the question "Is it possible that gay people might want to get married for the same reason you and your wife got married.. because they actually love eachother".. This discussion has been put right up there with the following no-no conversations at dinner, you know.. money, politics, religion.. and now gay marriage.. Everyone seems to have very diffrent opinions.. My dad and I have had this discussion before.. With pretty much the same results as my conversation tonight.. he made exactly the same points.. Some of the time my dad makes interesting points.. Other times I get the idea my dad should return to the stone ages.. you figure out where he belongs on this topic.. Anyway.. read the article below..


Help Stop Cruel and Pointless 'Gay Sheep' Experiments

Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU), a school that has received criticism in the past for torturing monkeys in its labs, has officially been outed. Information has been brought to light about ridiculous “gay sheep” experiments that are being conducted at the school. You heard right—OHSU experimenter Charles Roselli is spending millions of taxpayer dollars to kill homosexual rams and cut open their brains in an attempt to find the hormone behind homosexual tendencies so that these tendencies can be changed. Roselli is also working with experimenter Frederick Stormshak of Oregon State University (OSU), who has surgically inserted an estrogen implant in the bodies of these rams in an effort “to restore tissue levels of estrogen comparable to those of heterosexual rams and affect sexual behavior accordingly.”

To put it simply, these experimenters believe that homosexuality is a defect that needs to be fixed, and they’re cutting open and killing gay sheep to do it. These experiments also carry the insidious implication that homosexuality in humans needs to be "cured." In his application for public funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), he states that “this research also has broader implications for understanding the development and control of sexual motivation and mate selection across mammalian species, including humans



Jim Newman said...

PETA's claims are false.

Unfortunately some reporters were fooled into writing stories.

See this for the truth:

The Guardian: Gay sheep? Let's get the facts straight

The Bare Nessecities said...

Thanks Jim.. Ill check out that :)

Anonymous said...

